Spinal Cord Injury

A Cook County Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer is Ready to Help You

At Buttafuoco & Associates, spinal cord injuries are some of the more serious cases we take on. After more than 30 combined years of field experience, we know all too well the devastating effects these injuries have on victims and their families. That is why our legal team is dedicated to helping injured parties seek compensation for the losses they have suffered as a result of others’ negligence. If you believe you have a case, you can request a free consultation with a Cook County spinal cord injury lawyer at our firm today.

We have the resources, legal knowledge and fortitude to handle any type of spinal cord injury case. Below are some examples:

  • Motor vehicle accidents, including car, heavy truck, bicycle, pedestrian, and motorcycle accidents (Vehicular accidents are the cause of 36.5 percent of SCI cases, according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center [NSCISC].);
  • Falls;
  • Medical errors;
  • Acts of violence, e.g., gunshot wounds;
  • Work injuries; and
  • Sports injuries

The Effects of a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

A spinal cord injury (SCI) occurs when the nerves and cells of the spinal cord are damaged from trauma. Contusions, compressions and lacerations of the spinal cord components can cause long-term physical complications, including varying degrees of paralysis.

The effects that a SCI has on a person depend on where the injury occurred and how severe the damage is to the nerves. The higher the damage, the more severe and dramatic the effects will be. Below are some of the effects many SCI victims experience:

  • Loss of sensation, numbness
  • Loss of motor function
  • Pain
  • Stinging sensations and “pins and needles”
  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of bladder and bowel control
  • Fertility issues
  • Changes in sexual function
  • A significantly reduced lifespan

SCI patients can develop numerous complications, including circulatory issues (e.g., low blood pressure, blood clots and autonomic hyperreflexia), respiratory problems (problems breathing, lung issues and pneumonia risk), and loss of muscle tone (spasticity or flaccidity). Additionally, SCI patients usually experience emotional and psychological issues related to their injuries, such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The Cost of a Spinal Cord Injury

The cost of a spinal cord injury is massive. Even relatively minor cases of paralysis will rack up more than $340,000 in medical bills in the first year alone. Naturally, the higher and more severe the injury, the greater the costs. For a high tetraplegia injury (injury to C1 to C4, which causes paralysis from the neck down), the first year of treatment can cost more than $1 million. For a victim who sustains a severe SCI at 25 years of age, the lifetime costs are an estimated $4.6 million.

The above figures are only the tip of the iceberg; they only account for health care and living expenses. They do not account for indirect costs, such as loss of wages, loss of fringe benefits and reduced productivity, which, according to the NSCISC, averages roughly $70,575 per year (in February 2013 dollars).

Can you recover your damages? Call our firm for a free consultation.

If you or your loved one recently suffered a spinal cord injury in an accident caused by another party’s negligence, you might have a viable means of recovering damages. With the help of a good attorney, you might be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party to pursue restitution. If you are successful, you can obtain a settlement that can compensate you for not only medical and financial needs, but also the emotional and residual damages you’ve sustained as a result of the accident.

To determine if you’re eligible to file a negligence claim, request a free legal consultation with a Cook County spinal cord injury lawyer at Buttafuoco & Associates. Contact us today at 1-800-NOW-HURT.